Windows 8 Embedded Serial Key
I have seen other SuperUser questions on this topic: How to find Windows 8 product key? How to find Windows 8 OEM product key? However, all of the answers assume you have Windows 8 running.
Edition: Windows 8 Embedded Industry Enterprise. Product Key: NKB3R-R2F8T-3XCDP-7Q2KW-XWYQ2 Windows 8 Embedded Industry Pro. Product Key: RYXVT-BNQG7-VD29F-DBMRY-HT73M. Windows 7 Product Key/Serial Key All Tested ##### # OS Type Brand Key ##### Vista Ultimate Acer 3YDB8-YY3P4. Windows 8 Product Key/Serial Key All Tested Windows 8 Serial Keys/ Product Keys All Tested. Windows embedded 8.1 industry pro key on windows 8.1 pro retail shivam13 Jun 1, 2015, 7:37 PM Ok, so I got Win 8.1 Pro from dreamspark for free and would like to upgrade to it. So you can use your Windows 7, Vista, or XP computer to buy the Windows 8 Pro upgrade key and apply that to your standard Windows 8 PC, an option that would cover the first scenario. Luckily, there is still an easy way to recover Windows 8 OEM product key which is embedded in BIOS. Product Key Finder is a handy program that could helps you to extract Windows 8 product key from any laptop or desktop PC which comes with Windows 8 pre-installed.
I've already done a clean install of Ubuntu 13.04 on my new laptop, and I'm trying to set up a VM environment for those occasional programs that just absolutely refuse to run even with Wine.
I saw this image on another answer:
So it appears that the key should somehow be available via ACPI. However, I've tried ls /proc/acpi
and that turns up nothing useful as far as I can see, and acpitool
isn't helping me at all.
How the heck can I get the product key out?
Share usb over network. Find Serial Number notice: USB Over Network Server serial number, USB Over Network Server all version keygen, USB Over Network Server activation key, crack. USB over Network modified with crack, keygen or patch is not stable like the original software released by the FabulaTech. Cracked USB over Network can not be updated to newer versions. New features and bug fixes are inaccessible for those who steal software.
EDIT: I have tried running RW-Everything via Wine (the pictured program), but it is unable to 'install its driver'. So no dice there.
4 Answers
I found it! I needed to do this:
Which gave me the MSDM
table I was looking for.
I have found my license key! :D
To get it, you need to read the contents of the /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM
Here's an example:
The *** are the contents of the license key, in ASCII text.
Windows 8 Embedded Standard Product Key
Using Fedora I have tried with:
Which gave me the following results:
The product key was replaced with #
I couldn't find /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM
on my ASUS T100TA running Ubuntu 13.10 amd64, but I found a packaged called acpidump
quite useful. Running acpidump
as root I was able to get the MSDM table contents.
This is a variant of the accepted answer giving you a much more user-friendly output, easier to read and copy
sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM
Tested on a Ubuntu 14.04 for a Windows 8.1
XavierStuvwXavierStuvwWindows Embedded 8 Activation Key
protected by bwDracoAug 22 '15 at 2:34
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